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Engineering Qualifications Advice: Introduction and Clear Explanation

Career Management for Engineers


Engineering Qualifications Advice

Increasingly in modern manufacturing industry, you’ll need to prove your level of technical know-how with widely recognised formal qualifications. Employers need people who can contribute to their business and add real value. Before handing over a salary, employers require hard evidence of the depth of an applicant’s expertise and knowledge.

Formal technical qualifications can demonstrate this. They are necessary if you are serious about improving your employability and progressing along the career path. The likelihood is you’ll be competing with others with qualifications for jobs and promotions. Likewise, there are real commercial benefits for businesses that employ a highly qualified and skilled workforce. Use our engineering qualifications advice to guide you and your employees personal development plans.

The section is set out as follows:

  • Qualification Benefits – Individuals and Businesses

  • Listed Qualifications - Academic and Vocational

  • MSc v MBA – Which is More Appropriate for You

  • Engineering Careers - Academic and Vocational Routes

  • Qualifications Advice Conclusion 


Engineering Qualifications Advice: Useful Info...

Not to take anything away from all those who possess excellent practical expertise and experience; the modern reality is employers increasingly want concrete proof employees have attained a given level of skill or knowledge. They don’t like risk and small manufacturers in particular can’t afford to carry people. They need all staff to be as productive as possible.

Look at the most successful manufacturing companies. They invest heavily with graduate training programmes, as well as vocationally focussed apprenticeships. What’s more, there is a commitment to continuous professional development for all employees. This often includes formal qualifications. The technical and commercial benefits for both the individual and the business are covered in detail in the next section.

Additionally, one fast-track route to career advancement is to obtain recognisable technical qualifications (as well as retaining a good professional network). These demonstrate your skill levels and ability. Importantly, you may find yourself at a serious disadvantage without them. Qualifications make you more commercially competitive. Looking at it another way, without them you are at a disadvantage in the labour market. Review our engineering qualifications advice to make sure this doesn't apply to you.

This section examines the wide variety of qualifications and accreditation available for those working in manufacturing. In addition, useful information is provided for further reference. Qualifications are included from the full spectrum of levels, both academic and vocational, so wherever you are in your career, there will be options open to you.

Note: This is a UK-based website. As such the information about formal qualifications is based on the British education system. However, some of the material applies internationally, particularly the graduate and post-graduate information. That said, it would be great to hear about international equivalents.

Engineering Qualifications Advice

Next... Technical Qualifications: Personal and Business Benefits

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