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Design Thinking
Process for Design Engineers and Technical  Businesses 
A people focused method of problem solving and innovation

A better understanding of what design thinking is all about - Courtesy of Sean VanGenderen

So you want to be a design thinker? A Reference Guide for everyone showing how a product can come to life using design thinking!  (Stanford University)

Professor Maria Yang has discovered valuable strategies and techniques for designing both consumer products and complex engineering systems, partnering with organizations such as NASA, Ferrari, and IBM. (MIT Mechanical Engineering)

How It Works: Design Thinking - by IBM Think Academy
Design Thinking Process

George Kembel, co-founder and executive director of the Stanford, demonstrates how a group of his students conceptualized an innovative incubator for premature babies by using empathy to gain inspiration and reframe the problem. The incubator costs around $25 dollars as opposed to the standard $20,000 dollar incubator.

George Kembel  has led the conceptualization, design, and development of new products and technologies for over ten years in both research and industry environments. He specializes in the design process, idea generation, concept development, and rapid prototyping. He has built and led successful interdisciplinary teams from 4-person projects to 120-person organizations and has co-founded and built two design-centered corporations.

Introducing design thinking from Zaana Howard

Design Thinking Process

Next... Stages of the Development Process – Stepping Stones to Success

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