Expert Manufacturing Advice tailored for step-by-step implementation in the workplace. Small Manufacturers, Machine Shops and CAD Engineers improve and thrive with our hands-on help. Supply Chain Engineering Businesses Supply Chain Fundamentals for Engineers and Small Manufacturers: Gaining a better understanding and awareness

Supply Chain Engineering Businesses

Supply Chain Fundamentals for Engineers and Small Manufacturers: 

Gaining a better understanding 

Part of SME's Manufacturing Insights video series, this program explores the business practice of supply chain collaboration and explains how companies are "leaning" their supply chain. For expert advice, we spoke with Greg Hutchins, a principal with Quality Plus Engineering in Portland, Oregon, and the author of Supply Management Strategies S.C.M.

New competitive pressures have made all manufacturing companies realize they need to be part of a supply chain and focus their business on the part of the process they do best. The constant flow of materials and information within these supply chains can contain a large amount of waste if not managed properly. We will show why collaboration between customers and suppliers is so important and where you can find waste in your supply chain. Main points: Find out why supply chain collaboration has become so important, Learn steps you can take to discover the waste in your supply chain, See how to define your company's "core competencies," Get expert advice on the actions you can take to improve your supply chain, Identify design deficiencies, and avoid waste in your supply chain BEFORE it is created.

Part of SME's Manufacturing Insights video series, this program is an introduction to Supply Chain Management. It shows how information technology is used to gather real-time data to provide meaningful management information for maintaining supplier-customer relationships.
Hewlett Packard uses real-time information systems to track retail sales, allowing better customer demand forecasting and reduced product inventory.

Daniel Glasier introduces the need for supplier quality management, and applies TQM, DMAIC, ISO 9000, and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Learn how a LEAN supply chain is the foundation for continuous improvement, cost savings and supply chain efficiency - by Rydersysteminc

Supply Chain Best Practices from Tom Craig
Mapping supply chains from Arkkkky
Top 10 Manufacturing and Supply Chain 2015 Trends from Software AG

Next... Supplier Selection and Approval - the right firms for you and your SME

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